Help Poor Orphans In Need
Life is tough for an orphan anywhere in the world; but in war-torn South Sudan, the hardships are unimaginable.
The vast majority of orphans in South Sudan have lost their parents to murder, oftentimes right in front of them, due to the civil war that has ravaged the region for the past several years. This has left them not only without parents, but scarred emotionally. Unlike the United States which has a robust foster care program, many of these children starve to death without anyone to take care of them. They are without families and without hope.

Orphans with Sister Bianca
Witnessing the horrors of war firsthand is what inspired me to bring hope to these children by starting the St. Bakhita Orphanage in Yambio-Tombura.

My name is Sr. Bianca and despite being 73 years old, I do what I can to help the children who have no one. As of the writing of this letter, I am overseeing 60 children, and more are expected to arrive within the coming months, because they are learning there is safety for them here. However, managing this orphanage on my own is difficult, and I cannot provide more than a roof over the children’s heads. I rely entirely on the generosity of others to help me provide them with shelter, food, and medicine.

Current Living Space of St. Bakhita Orphanage
With donations from our generous followers, we can provide the following:
- Extra space (right now, all 60 children share one room)
- Food and clean water
- Beds with netting to prevent malaria
- Security fencing around the orphanage
- Medicine for the sick children
People such as myself and Bishop Eduardo Kussala are working hard to help these suffering children overcome their difficult lives, but it is becoming harder and harder each day.

Without Help, These Children Would Have Perished
These orphans have had everything taken away from them, but with your help, we can hopefully give them back a sense of stability, purpose, and hope.
Humbly I ask for you support so I can continue to help all those who come to the doorstep of our orphanage.
P.S. Your generous gift of $25, $50, or even $100 will provide St. Bakhita Orphanage with the support they need to help the suffering children. Please help these children overcome their difficult lives and give them back a sense of stability, purpose, and hope.