Dr. Tom Saves Mother in Dangerous Birth
Soma Awad is a 26-year-old woman living Kurungu Abdallah, a small village in South Sudan. Recently, Soma was pregnant with twins and ready to give birth. Unfortunately, there were some complications that almost took her life had it not been for the actions of Dr. Tom and the rest of the helpful staff at Mother of Mercy Hospital.
When Soma felt labor pain, she was rushed to the nearby clinic, where she successfully delivered a baby boy. After four unsuccessful hours trying to deliver the second baby, Soma was referred to the better-equipped Mother of Mercy Hospital, more than seven hours away.
Soma arrived at the hospital at midnight, and Dr. Tom and his team immediately began their work. Sadly the second twin had passed away, but their work continued as their mission was now to save Soma’s life. She recounts how she was tired, weak, and on the brink of unconsciousness by the time she arrived at Mother of Mercy Hospital, and she didn’t think she would survive the night.
Because of Dr. Tom’s incredible commitment and expertise, he was able to save Soma’s life. Now, Soma regularly thanks God for bringing her to Dr. Tom, who gave her a second chance at life and allowed her to be there for her family.
For more information about Dr. Tom and Mother of Mercy Hospital, click here.