Thank for your time and compassion in lifting up the needs of desperate people in South Sudan in prayer. If you’re reading this, you know prayers are powerful and that prayer changes things. You are a vital part of bringing relief and hope to widows, orphans, the displaced, the sick, and all those struggling in this despondent part of the world. 

Much progress is being made. Lives are being touched and changed. Needs remain. Your prayers make a difference. Thank you for coming alongside us in this crucial effort and for being a faithful prayer partner in Lifting Up South Sudan“Pray without ceasing.” – I Thes. 5:17

The Sudan Relief Fund is a 501(c)3 charitable organization established for the purpose of bringing food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention to the people of South Sudan. Since then, with the prayers and support of faithful people like you, we have made very real progress under the most difficult circumstances imaginable.

The Sudan Relief Fund is a 501(c)3 charitable organization established for the purpose of bringing food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention to the people of South Sudan. Since then, with the prayers and support of faithful people like you, we have made very real progress under the most difficult circumstances imaginable.