Report on Orphans of South Sudan Project
The number of orphans in South Sudan has risen dramatically over the last several years. In response to this, and thanks to our generous donors, The Sudan Relief Fund has been supporting The Welfare Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project. The project was designed to address the daily and important needs of the 56 children staying at the Orphanage in Tombura. It was begun in August 2014 and has changed the lives of the orphans forever.
Due to instability in South Sudan food, security and medical costs have been skyrocketing at the orphanage. We have helped secure part of the orphanage with chain link fence to provide the children security. We provide funding for food and medicines so that the children are assured of daily meals.
There are five categories of aid that the orphans need and that we are able to provide thanks to our donors:
1. Monthly Feeding Costs
We have sent money to feed the orphans. The children used to eat once or twice a day, but now through the SRF support they are having three meals a day. The children were also forced to cook for themselves, both before and after school, but now a cook has been hired with a little incentive paid to her from the monthly feeding budget. This has saved the children the burden of coming back from school late in the evenings and having to start cooking.
2. School Fees
The fees for school were also quite prohibitive for the orphans. We at the Sudan Relief Fund realize the next generation of South Sudan must have an education to help their country. Therefore we are paying the school fees for the children at the orphanage . Uniforms were bought and other school materials like books, pens, papers, etc were also provided for all the children attending school.
3. Medical Costs
All outstanding medical bills for the Orphanage in Tombura were paid by September 2014. Thanks to Sudan Relief Fund’s generous donors we have been able to pay for any ongoing medical cost for the children or staff at the Orphanage.
4. Solar and battery power Installation
Two batteries, an inverter, and a controller have been installed to provide light to the main building at the orphanage. Two solar panels were connected to charge the batteries and provide light to the children. This will both improve their performance in school and provide better security.
5. Other basic necessities for the Orphans
The Orphanage had been missing many household items before this project. Since its inception, the SRF funded project has enabled the orphanage to purchase many important house items like Chairs, Benches, Iron boxes, bags, shoes, clothing and many other staples.