The Flooding Crisis Continues
We wanted to share the following letter from Noeleen Loughran, missionary nurse and Sudan Relief Fund partner on the ground, who provided this update on the status of the flooding crisis in South Sudan.
“The people, especially in the Lakes State, are suffering deeply at this time. The flooding has displaced thousands of men, women, and children who are all fleeing their homes that collapsed due to the heavy rains.
The people themselves carried what little they had on top of their heads, and in some cases walked 30 to 40 miles to escape the flood waters. All of their homes have been submerged or destroyed, and all of their crops lost. Even the livestock have died.
As people walk through the deep waters to reach areas of safety, many have been killed on the way by poisonous snakes that hide in the floodwaters of these woodlands. The people come in by the thousands, exhausted by the long journey to dry land, only to arrive where they have no food or assistance. At this moment, thousands are sleeping under trees with absolutely no shelter from the monsoon-like rains.
Serious sickness and death is occurring mainly from malaria, as the people have no protection from the vast numbers of mosquitoes brought by the heavy rains and standing water. Many areas cannot be reached by road, but only by chopper. No help has reached the people yet, and fear looms for a great loss of life if aid does not come quickly.
Children lie on their mother’s knees in great sickness and pain. I myself feel so desperate for these people, as the rain beats down heavy on my bedroom roof. Medicine, food, mosquito nets, and plastic sheeting are badly needed to save the lives of the many thousands suffering this terrible plight. We continue to pray for those here, as we do everything we can to try to find assistance for them.
Please help those here in any way that you can. And keep them in your constant prayers, as we fight to save the lives of so many here in Rumbek, the Lake State, and all of the neighboring areas.”
-Noeleen Loughran
If you would like to send emergency relief supplies to thousands in jeopardy from the massive flooding in South Sudan, please go here. Your gift will help prevent deaths from starvation and malaria right now.