Meet Winnie, a 15-year-old girl living in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp, one of the largest refugee camps in the world, which is located in Uganda, just across the border of South Sudan. Last year, Winnie discovered an enormous, painful tumor growing on the side of her face. She sought medical help from our partner Nurse Noeleen, who believed that it could be malignant. Noeleen took quick action and wrote to Sudan Relief Fund for help, and we arranged for Winnie to be sent to a hospital in Kampala, Uganda, for treatment.

The doctors managed to remove the tumor through a potentially life-threatening surgery. However, the tumor started to grow back at an alarming rate and was found to be cancerous. Winnie had to undergo three more surgeries along with radiation and chemotherapy treatment to finally remove the cancer for good.

Today, more than one year later, Winnie is completely cancer-free and living a much healthier life, all thanks to Sudan Relief Fund and our donors. She is extremely grateful for the assistance she received, and she is thankful for the kindness in people’s hearts, which saved her from a terrifying and painful ordeal.