When A Boy’s Broken Leg Turns Deadly
Boys will run and play and inevitably they sometimes break bones. Thirteen year-old Abdu Razak was doing just that when he fell down and fractured his leg.
His parents took Abdu to the El Obeid Hospital in Central Sudan, where he needed an operation to repair and set the bone. While the operation seemed to be successful, it became apparent after some time that Abdu’s leg was not healing as it should.
What no one realized yet was Abdu had contracted osteomyelitis, a serious condition where bacteria reaches and infects the bone. If not stopped, this condition can lead to the loss of a limb and life threatening complications.
Typically, strong antibiotics and surgery to remove all infected bone tissue are required to recover successfully. The victim experiences fever, swelling, fatigue, and pain at the site of the infection.
“Abdu’s father pulled his son on the back of a three-wheeled tuktuk for nearly 145 miles to reach the facility where he hoped his boy could find help.”
A few weeks after his injury, Abdu’s parents learned about Mother of Mercy Hospital from neighbors who spoke very highly of the facility. Despite the distance and the rugged, muddy terrain, Abdu’s father pulled his son on the back of a three-wheeled tuktuk for nearly 145 miles, to reach the facility where he hoped his boy could find the help he needed.
Abdu was admitted to Mother of Mercy Hospital, where he was diagnosed and treated for the condition that threatened his leg and life. He’s undergone two surgeries so far, and is improving greatly. His leg is saved, and happily, Abdu is expected to heal completely. He’s looking forward to getting back to school and resuming a normal teen life.
Both Abdu and his parents are exceedingly grateful to Mother of Mercy Hospital. His parents earnestly thank the staff and supporters of this hospital for saving their son from a far worse fate. Because of the right help at a critical moment, a thirteen year-old boy will soon run and play again, just as young boys should.
These stories are made possible because of your support for Sudan Relief Fund. Thank you for partnering with us to save lives like Abdu’s and so many others.
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