Dr. Tom Catena Invited to Speak About Healthcare in Sudan at Upcoming 2019 World Health Summit

Each year, the World Health Summit brings together 2,500 high-level participants from 100 countries around the world to discuss opportunities and responsibilities in improving global health. This year, Aurora Prize Laureate and Chair of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Dr. Tom Catena will speak at the summit to reflect on his experience treating patients in the war-torn areas of Sudan.

Dr. Catena is the Founder and Medical Director the Mother of Mercy Hospital in Sudan, and has spent the past decade serving as the only surgeon permanently based in the Nuba Mountains. Dr. Catena hopes the insight gained from his experience will motivate attendees at the World Health Summit to find efficient healthcare solutions for people living in remote regions.

In addition to speaking at the World Health Summit, Dr. Catena will also be attending the AidEx Nairobi Conference in Africa, giving lectures at Columbia University and Duke University, and participating in the Annual Conference for the Catholic Medical Association in Nashville, Tennessee. These speaking opportunities will allow Dr. Catena to raise awareness of the suffering in Sudan and hopefully encourage others to take action as well.

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