Refugee Kits

When gunfire rings out and flames surround homes and farmlands, families are forced to drop everything and run for their lives. Perhaps a natural disaster sends flood waters sweeping through the village, carrying away everything a family owns. They can only hope to escape with their lives. But now there is nothing left.
Exhausted, hungry, traumatized, perhaps wounded in the chaos, families with nowhere else to go make their way to a refugee camp. Here, displaced people are greeted with the first bit of good news since their tragedy hit.
Someone welcomes them and immediately passes out refugee kits to the family. They collapse wearily on the ground, knowing for the time being they are safe here. They begin to weakly sift through the contents of the package given to them.
Inside they see food items, a water container, cooking and eating utensils, blankets, and tarps to set up a shelter. They find mosquito nets to protect from the ever-present threat of malaria. There are hygiene items so victims can clean up from their journey once they get the strength. It may not seem like much, but to a family who’s lost everything, it’s a place to start.

With the help of our supporters, Sudan Relief Fund distributes thousands of these refugee kits to families when disasters strike. Through our partners and network on the ground, we’re poised to deliver help on the frontlines of these humanitarian challenges when they hit – providing supplies that literally make the difference between life and death for families who have lost everything.

Most who come to the displacement camps have no home to return to, whether it’s unsafe to go back, or it’s been destroyed. Many are women and children who lost husbands or became separated in the fray. Sadly, many are orphans who have no one left to take care of them.
The distribution of refugee kits is absolutely vital for the survival of displaced families, elderly, and children. It not only meets their immediate needs, but provides a small semblance of normalcy in their lives. And even more, it offers them hope – hope that tomorrow will be a new start.
It’s remarkable how little it costs to provide refugee kits to three families. Just $66 US will provide one kit to three families devastated by war or natural disaster. For $132 you can help six families have everything they need to survive a catastrophe and start over. And for $198 you will reach nine families with vital lifesaving supplies.
Try to imagine what it would be like if you suddenly lost everything. If you had nothing left, nowhere to go, and a family to provide for. Your gift means more than you will ever realize to people in desperate circumstances. Please join us to make an incredible difference today.
Refugee Kits Save Lives!
$66 1 Kit to help 3 families
$132 2 Kits to help 6 families
$198 4 Kits to help 9 families