The Children of St. Bakhita’s Orphanage Are Safe
Thank you for your continued prayers and support of Sister Bianca Bii and the children of St. Bakhita’s Orphanage.
As we shared with you, Sister Bianca and the children were evacuated in September from the orphanage grounds due to attacks by a violent militia group that swept through portions of Tombura Yambio. Sister Bianca stayed with the children until assistance could arrive to move them all to a safe place.
Since then, they have been living in an area shared with other families displaced by the attacks, in a temporary refugee camp environment. The local church, humanitarian organizations, our partners and you – our faithful supporters – have been working to provide for them under their recent circumstances.
Our partners on the ground report Sister Bianca and the children remain safe and well, and a recent shipment of both food supplies and non-food items for Sister Bianca and the orphans was sent to them by plane. You can listen to Sister Bianca’s message of thanks and see a video here:

Father Avelino shared that little by little people are adapting to their new environment and daily living conditions. Many have built their own shelters and decided to stay in the area, and a spirit of cooperation has prevailed between the different peoples coming together.
Now as they consider a longer term scenario, a community meeting was held where parcels of land were designated for the refugees. In cooperation, the local Sultan assigned areas where refugees could obtain grass to build their shelters. Local farmers have supplied the displaced with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Representatives from the refugees conveyed their appreciation to the mission and to the local people for welcoming them. Many of the people who have decided to stay have expressed interest in engaging in work projects to generate income, such as construction projects for the church or local schools.
We are grateful for the current wellbeing of the children of St. Bakhita’s, for Sister Bianca’s unending commitment to their care, and for your generosity and dedication to help the fatherless in all their circumstances. Please continue to lift them up in prayer, that peace, safety, and good health will prevail.