Helping Orphans Survive War and Famine
Orphans are the collateral damage in warfare. Right now they lie starving in refugee camps, or trapped in war zones they can’t escape—terrified, hungry, maybe injured.
Sudan’s brutal civil war, now in its second year, has left 11 million people with no home. Half the homeless are women and a quarter of these now destitute victims are children. These incomprehensible figures put the number of children in crisis in the millions.
Orphans Face Insurmountable Dangers
It’s difficult to estimate how many children have been orphaned in the world’s worst humanitarian tragedy today. They’re scattered in refugee camps across Sudan, South Sudan and elsewhere. Not all have even made it to camps – where in some cases the conditions are not much better than what they escaped, except there’s no immediate fighting.
Orphans who survived the war face a horrific famine stretching across the region. Food shortage is everywhere. Unaccompanied children are vulnerable in many ways. Human trafficking, assault, and being forced into violent militias are just some of the terrible threats they face. Add to this the very real risk of starvation, and no medical help if they’re injured or get sick.
Orphaned children can’t survive these overwhelming dangers alone. They will die from one or a combination of these deadly threats.

A New Home – With donor support, a new home for the children of St. Bakhita’s Orphanage is nearly complete.
Hope in a Dark Scenario
Despite the widespread tragedy, there are areas of hope – light shining into the dark plight of orphans in this part of the world. With the compassion of our faithful donors and partners, we are supporting orphanages and initiatives to help displaced children.
Caring for Refugee Children
In the region of Malakal, where hundreds of thousands have swarmed across the border for refuge, we are supporting emergency food deliveries to fight the famine. Orphans and unaccompanied children are identified for being at special risk, so they can be accounted for and don’t fall through the cracks.
In the Nuba Mountains where 3 million people are facing starvation, we’re sending nutrition packets to save malnourished children, and medicine for the only hospital open in the entire region.
Transforming their Future at St. Bakhita Orphanage
St. Bakhita Orphanage in Nzara, championed for decades by the courageous Sister Bianca Bii, takes care of more than 150 orphaned children. Here they are fed, clothed, sheltered, sleep in their own beds, receive medical care, and have the chance to go to school.
Many of St. Bakhita’s orphans were relocated from Tombura, the former site of the orphanage, when conditions became unstable and threatened the children’s safety. Since then, your support has made it possible to construct a new, sturdy home for them in the stable locale of Nzara.
Their new home is complete with girls’ and boys’ dormitories allowing for up to 200 children in each, a kitchen, gathering area, solar powered water well, and even a room for Sister Bianca and her small staff – something she’s never had. The dormitories contain double decker beds and mattresses, and a fence was built all around the orphanage for security. Your support also provided bedding and mosquito nets for each child, clothing, school uniforms, and eating utensils. The children attend a nearby school and have access to quality medical care at a Sudan Relief Fund sponsored hospital.

A Mother to Many – Sister Bianca Bii, now in her eighties, has watched many orphans grow up.
She cares for over 150 children.
Earlier this year, Sister Bianca – now in her eighties – was taken to Uganda to undergo minor back surgery and eye surgery. She is fully recuperated and back at the orphanage, residing with the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who provide Sister Bianca with support to run the home. One of St. Bakhita’s girls who also needed a minor surgery was taken to Uganda at the same time. The procedure was successful, and she has recovered and returned to the orphanage.
Recently St. Bakhita received two babies after their mothers tragically died in childbirth, putting the population of children you’re helping to care for at 152. Sister Bianca started a training program this year for the teens to learn skills in tailoring, so these youth will be equipped with a trade in addition to their schooling, giving them diverse opportunities for a successful future.
Saving Malnourished and Abandoned Babies at Sisters of Charity
In Rumbek, the Missionary Sisters of Charity orphanage is nursing malnourished babies back to health. Many babies are abandoned because their mothers can’t take care of them, or they were born from trauma-induced scenarios. Or in all-too-common instances, their young mother died in childbirth. Famished mothers can’t produce milk to feed their starving infants.
These babies have no chance of survival without the faithful care of the Sisters of Charity. Now they have a future.

Saving Starving Children – War created many orphans.
Your support provides food, shelter, and medical care for the unprotected.
Make a Difference
Children at these orphanages have grown up to be successful, educated adults, with a keen sense of giving back. They are given a new chance at life – something that would never happen without your support.
Right now tens of thousands of children have lost everything in Sudan’s devastating war – including someone to take care of them. Without help, these little ones cannot survive. Will anyone hear their cries this Christmas? Please consider putting an orphaned child on your gift list this year. All they want is for someone to protect them from the terrible dangers they face. Can you imagine what they’ve endured? Things no child should ever see or experience. But you can help. You can literally save their life this Christmas.