Special Message from Our Partners in South Sudan
Over the past year, your generous donations have allowed us to help countless people in war-torn South Sudan. Some of the goals you’ve helped us achieve include the following:
- We’ve supplied Nurse Noleen Loughran with medicine and health supplies so that she can continue treating refugees and orphans at Bidi Bidi, one of the largest refugee camps in the world
- We’ve assisted Dr. Tom Catena and Mother of Mercy Hospital with medical supplies to continue helping the sick living in the remote Nuba Mountains
- We’ve supported Father Avelino with rebuilding schools to help promote education and self-sustainability in villages
- We’ve provided food, clothes, and clean water to orphanages throughout the country such as Saint Clare’s Home for Children and the Saint Bakhita Orphanage
… and much more. All this is only possible because of generous supporters like you.

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